Friday, September 7, 2012

Who am I?

      Who do I think I am? I think I am a contentious, hardworking, open minded, and grounded woman. I know that I am a Media major at Hunter and that I love animals. I also know that  our self-perception in this modern age is majorly affected by our media consumption and all of the advertisements, television shows, websites, and movies we watch each day. Something that really stood out to me last class was the trailer that we watched for the documentary 'Miss Representation.' It really resonated with me because I was able to relate to what they were saying in a personal way. Especially when they used the analogy of the thirteen year old boy and girl and how they each got a horribly warped message from media. This is a prime example of how the media can warp our self images and the image we perceive from those around us. For me personally, one thing I know about myself is that I can be insecure at times and I know that this is common for many people, especially young girls. A lot of these insecurities stem from what girls see in the media and makes them feel they are not good enough. This has always fascinated me and is partially why I am a Media Studies major. The fact that something manufactured by people can be put forth and society adopts it as true or as a good example for them to emulate is intriguing.
     As a media consumer, I love television. I love following complex plots as well as the simplest reality shows. I do like to critique shows and their casts. I do not always agree with people that are casted or the way certain groups (such as racial groups or women in particular) are represented on TV. I definitely think that a of people brush off shows and these kinds of issues that arise saying that it is just a show, but I think they underestimate the power of television as a media platform and the way these ideals affect young people and their ideas about the world.

I chose to include one of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken. I took it on my trip to Italy in 2010:

Tuscany (2010)

My link is a link to my makeup page on facebook, feel free to check it out and give it a like!

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