Sunday, December 2, 2012

The 'Redefine Beauty' Campaign

For my final project I chose to create a pitch to the Third Wave Foundation in hopes that they would fund an idea for an advertising campaign. My campaign is called Redefine Beauty. My target audience is young girls, primarily pre-teens and teens. I hope to create ads for companies that use alternate tactics to educate and inform young girls about the beauty myth and other tactics that companies use to get girls to buy their products.

A few key quotes:

Naomi Wolfe states, "Given few role models in the world, women seek them on the screen, and on the glossy page." (The Beauty Myth)

Susie Orbach states, "In classrooms around the world girls swap tips on how to eat less, how to ratchet up their exercise and how to mimic those perfect bodies they see staring out at them from music videos, TV soaps, the catwalk, magazines, and billboards. Somewhere they know that these bodies aren’t quite real…but no matter. The deluge of visual images that wallpapers our world has seeped into all of our consciences. Bodies today have almost come to define the way our lives can be lived. Without a body that girls feel all right about, nothing much in their lives feels ok. Their bodies cause them trouble and worry…Concerns about whether their still developing body will be like the current fashionable figure, whether they will be found acceptable, pretty, sexy and desirable, and whether the size, shape and way they look are good enough, consumes their thoughts and hopes.”
(Fat is a Feminist Issue)

I outlined my pitch using an outline format which is separated into the following categories:

I. Overview
-A basic summary

II. History of the Beauty Myth
 -Images of Women during WWII

-Image and household as the success of their lives

 III. Affects on young girls
-Celebrities are critiqued as well

IV. Companies fueling the beauty myth's ever-burning fire

V. My Campaign
-Reverse Psychology
-Giving the knowledge to the consumer

VI. Similar Campaigns

The whole document is available at:

Works Cited
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