Saturday, December 8, 2012


“There are plenty of historical precedents for this globalization of traditional female services. In the ancient Middle East, the women of populations defeated in war were routinely enslaved and hauled off to serve as household workers and concubines for the victors”
We see it with slavery during the 16th and 19th century, African women were forced to be domestic servants concubines. During the 19th century women migrated to towns and cities to work as domestic servants for the growing upper middle class. Services nonetheless were to be essentially feminine; childcare, housework, and sex were often paid little or nothing. In our “modern” days women travel from continent to continent most expected to work as nannies, maids, or sex workers. This is called the CARE DEFICIT.

My video juxtaposes two documentaries, National Geographic’s “The Great Migrations” as a narration for “Los Invisibles” footage, a documentary about Latin American migrants. The intent was to see migration in its core element; that nature proclaims itself, that we travel to survive just like the creatures in the NatGeo documentary. In our society we tend to focus on issues as relative to a created comparative material that we can then study and talk about. In reality inequality is shifted around using different ingredients and different faces. Such as Darwin’s ideology: “survival of the fittest” Yes, I may sound like the classic ideology, but wasn’t capitalism born out of the same nature, out of a floating idea that later was applied?
How can we have reasonable immigration legislations if our principles are based in individualism?

Women are half of the millions of migrants that search a better life. The psychological scars do not leave them; the inner being tries to bare the additional stigmas of the new settlement. Identity shifts 180 or 360 degrees. As Melissa Harris Perry mentioned in Crooked Room, if we do not recognize our place as a member of society, we can not function in a productive way, we are lost, rejected by the legislations. Although the younger generation assimilates. 


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