Saturday, December 8, 2012

Media Final

Through out media, being desired by men makes the female a woman. Even in chick flicks designed for women, the happy ending involves finally getting the man they were chasing. Perhaps some others have a twist where they realize they should be with the "nice guy" chasing her all along. Although romantic movies aren't a bad thing, an over saturation of them can lead to us thinking that's the only thing that matters. If a women is successful in other areas of life but fail in being desired by men romantically or sexually, media tells her something is wrong with her.

My short video comments on trying to fit into the mold of an ideal women. Bell Hooks mentions in the oppositional gaze, that the best blondes you know of were actually brunettes. That has some truth in it the beauty we see as so fabricated it's unreal. We are striving for something that wasn't real to begin with. Killbourne in "The More You subtract, The More You Add" about women having to straddle playing the conflicting roles of a virgin who happens to be well aware of sexuality as well. Videos like the 3DS commercial to me is saying girls aren't supposed to be good at video games so that contributed to development of my short.

The female character in my short gets more attention from her boyfriend after playing games. He longs after another girl in high heels and then she does the same. She continues to dress more how she thinks he would like and then is slut shamed. She in shame returns back to gaming and then shunned because she wasn't up to par with him. I want point out the hypocrisy in what men want women to be. I admired the worlds Darren Afronofsky creates in his films. In Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream, the protagonists are chasing something and it costs them a part of them they can't back. I want to say that about the ideals of a women.

Afronofsky, Darren."Requiem for A Dream."
Hooks, Bell. "Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators."
Killbourne, Jean. "The More You Subtract, The More You Add."
Nintendo" "3DS Worldwide Commercial"

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