Monday, December 3, 2012

Post 5: Eva (Evita) Peron

Eva Peron became a legendary figure in Argentine figure. She was love and hate by the Argentineans but nonetheless she made an impact on the country she was born in. Unfortunately she passed away due to cancer at the age of 33 but her story lives on in Argentina and all around the world. Even in the U.S. there is a Broadway show call EVITA and its a story on how she became this powerful woman.

Eva lived a very poor life growing up. She grew up in poverty but eventually move out of it in the pursuit of becoming an actress and model. At her early teens, she booked a few jobs in radio and television shows but she never went beyond that in her career.

In her mid 20’s she met Juan Peron, the Argentinean President and eventually became his wife. While supporting him, she started charities in helping poor people, especially women. Although, there were a lot of rumors going around saying she manipulates men to get to where she was but who knows if they are really true? However, she was savior in many people’s lives and she showed people that you can become something you want to be and of help to others even if you come from nothing.

Works Cited

Images from Google
Wikipedia Website Eva Peron


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