Saturday, October 27, 2012

A New Perspective

An alternative form of media I found was a site called Adbusters. It is a monthly magazine publication based in Canada that critiques consumerism and corporate media. This form of news is different from other outlets in that it analyzes and critiques what is being shown in the media. Alternative news outlets are useful because it creates awareness. Their most recent cover, below, is of a distorted image of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Adbusters can be perceived to many as quite controversial however, it paves the way for a more critical analyzation in society. It is the first step for the public to distinct what the real 'truth' is.

Their mission statement on Facebook is: 

"Our aim is to catalyze a sudden, unexpected moment of truth — a mass reversal of perspective; a global mindshift — from which the corporate/consumerist forces never fully recover. We vow to change the way information flows and to shake up the production of meaning in our society."


The image above is an example of one of their critiques. It basically pokes fun at how 'holidays' are created to promote consumerism within society. The reason those specific dates are mentioned above is because November 23rd (the day after Thanksgiving) in the United States is now known as 'Black Friday,' the ultimate day where everyone goes crazy for the 'amazing' deals. In fact, several years ago there was a news story where a guy actually was trampled on because a crowd of people were rushing to get in the store for the deals. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great alternative to editorial work. Thank god for the internet!
    The Editor's note made me imagine a day during the 1970's where the a new generation was demanding its order. New ideas, new melodies, new words, new friends, new system. I feel that the seeds planted during the civil rights movement are staring to flourish. Our responsibility now is take care of the plant so it can be fruitful and give out new seeds to continue the cycle.


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