Saturday, October 27, 2012

Speaking out Against Slut-shaming

For this weeks' post on alternative media I turned to one of my favorite and most hated aspects of the Internet, blogging. This video blog (vlog) is from a thirteen year old blogger who speaks against slut-shaming, basically  the act of making a woman (though not necessarily always) feel guilty or inferior, for having strong sexual desires, having more than one sexual partner, or acting or dressing in a way that is deemed excessively sexual. The term slut would be used to describe the person, hence slut-shaming. The interesting and more disturbing thing about this phenomenon is that not only do men do it to women, but women do it to other women as well! This is something that I've always found typically disturbing, that women would propagate such horrible behavior instead of standing up for other women. The fact that a thirteen year old has been privy to this behavior by her friends at such a young age and has chosen to instead speak out against it by making other people aware is something that I find highly admirable. 

Slut-shaming and why is wrong:

1 comment:

  1. wow this is insane, when I was 13 I don't remember my self knowing anything about feminism or sexism.It's true women always get that name "slut" for no reasons. It's hard to believe that women have gained so many rights but people still think of women as " nothing".


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