Saturday, October 27, 2012
Lets stop the bullying today just because Im not as "beautiful" to you as I am to myself.
Search and navigating threw the internet and recently listening to the news I realized that we have so much bullying go on just because we don't fit into this beauty that everyone else wants to see. Its very unfortunate how we have so many teens today that commit suicide because they are constantly reminded that they are not beautiful. It is ridiculous when you see the picture of these young girls and how beautifully unique they are in there own way, and they don't know it because their classmates/school mates tell them other wise.
Lets take a second and put a stop to these bullying just because our daughters sisters nieces cousins don't seem as beautiful to these people. Watch the video and sign the petition to stop bullying.
I agree, bullying is a serious issue and what I find interesting about bullying is that it relates to media in some ways. If someone isn't wearing something that isn't "in" or doesn't talk or certain way or isn't good looking then that person will most likely get bullied.