Life in
the Information Society, in addition to the undeniable positives,
especially rapid flow of information and access to databases, carries
with it a huge risk.
One of the main consequences of the growing number of communications is
a huge amount of information that the average consumer becomes even
noise information. The sheer volume of important and unimportant messages the user must make a selection of the material.
Hence the need for a conscious, selective and thorough selection of the
most valuable and important position, so that in the thicket of
information the recipient can make the right choice, the information
"... is because their value only if it is available where it is needed,
where it is needed for to whom it is needed, and for the purpose for
which it is needed, "(Morbitzer 3)
Media education through deliberate and intentional actions of teachers
should therefore aim to shape positive attitudes towards the media.
One of them is critical attitude that engaging the intellect, "excludes
naive attitude to the content published in the media, deference to
others' opinions and content of propaganda, and assumes knowledge of the
main mechanisms of the media, emotional distance to the received
messages and derive information from multiple sources and comparing them
(evaluation assurance)
"(Nowakowska 33).
Among the desirable attitudes are also listed in the attitude of
selectivity, which implies a deliberate choice by the received content,
by making children aware of the consequences of its absence, for
example, unnecessary loss of time.
Media education should also seek to shape the attitudes of creative
activity, which is an alternative to the passive reception of media.
Reckless, excessive use of the media coverage causes a decrease in
human social activity and the changes in his psyche and perception of
the world.
The most common include a reduction in hearing sensitivity - young
people can watch, but can not listen to others and talk to them.
The technique makes it difficult integration between people, creating
only the possibility of indirect contacts, which do not teach people to
be with. As a result, the young man feel even more lonely. Disturbing symptom are also difficulties in concentration and memory-controlling text.
Staying too long in the world of the media may also lead to the
development of anxiety, feelings of
alienation and powerlessness of man
to the reality in which he lives. Educators describing the impact of television on young people's awareness,
emphasizes that "... the resulting images are fragmented and unconnected
with each other, which is not a good ground to the unit of analysis and
synthesis"(Walczak 14)
The consequence of this is the gap between the physical and the
accelerated development of puberty delay in emotional and mental
successive vintages of children and young people.
For many young members of the media also appears dangerous fascination
with the phenomenon of virtual reality, especially when they give you a
chance to interactivity.
New techniques of multimedia, combining audio, video,
three-dimensional, and even touch, creating the impression of reality
that a return to the real world becomes a problem.
Often young man identifies himself with the virtual character, it does
not at-will see the border between fantasy and the real world.
This "Doping feature the latest media deserves close attention, because
it can lead to unconscious change the joystick on a baseball bat,"(Goban
303)The effect of frequent watching scenes of aggression and violence,
there is also acceptance of such behavior and blunting of sensitivity,
defined as the social insensitivity.
1. J. MORBITZER lc page 3
Attitudes of children towards the media "Media Education" 2003 No. 1 page 33
Sun TV virtual world. 2 "Librarian's Guide" 2003 No. 2 page 14
4. T. Goban-CLASS
Media and Communication ... plot cit p 303