Monday, October 29, 2012

Alternative Media vs. Mainstream Media

I think the recent debates have shown how the media really sets the agenda and how the Presidential election ends up becoming a two party election. An article by an alternative media called Adbusters discussed the arrest of Green Party nominee, Jessica Stein. The article stated that her and her female running mate were arrested for trying to enter the Hofstra debate considering the fact that she appears on 85% of American ballots. However, the media coverage on this story was very minimal because it was so focused on the debates between Obama and Romney.

This video was a Presidential Debate with the third party candidates that took place on October 23rd. The debate was moderated by Larry King and hosted by the Free and Equal Elections Foundation. Unfortunately, it wasn't on any mainstream media.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Movement Is Still Alive!

I found these pretty awesome feminist sites, including a feminist magazine and a few blog sites. The movement is still alive!

The Hunted and the Hated: An Inside Look at the NYPD's Stop-and-Frisk Policy

Stop and Frisk has always been a touchy subject in New York City, mostly because its became an excuse for the NYPD to discriminate against young minority males, especially Black and Latino. The video featured in The Nation article Stopped-and-Frisked: 'For Being a F**king Mutt' [VIDEO]
presents the bleak truth about New York City's "finest." Not only does this video include a recording of Harlem teen, Alvin's stop-and-frisk encounter with 2 NYPD bullies, it also features testimonials from other youth and NYPD officers, whose identities are hidden. But what was really shocking was the testimonials from the NYPD officers who did not want to engage in stop-and-frisk citations, but were reprimanded by their commanding officers to do so.

For so long the dialogue around Stop and Frisk has been NYPD against NYC minority youth; a quote from the article, “The civilian population, they’re being hunted by us,” says an officer with more than ten years on the job. “Instead of being protected by us, they’re being hunted and we’re being hated.” And that has been the perspective of this topic for as long as I can remember. It was only through this video that I can see that not all NYPD are bullies, that the top-down power structure creates policy that NYPD should act like bullies (similar to bell hooks idea that patriarchy is harmful to men because it doesn't allow them to be who they really are, rather ascribe the ideals of "masculinity"). I came across this video weeks ago and truly appreciated the direction this narrative went; it created a new branch of dialogue to talk about stop-and-frisk.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Levi's Commercial on the people of Braddock, PA

Many people who have already seen this Levi's commercial"We Are All Worker" on the people of Braddock do not know the condition people are living in, in this town. If one were to search up Braddock, PA, one can get ample information on the high unemployment rate they have, a lot of closed down businesesses that are in their town and vacant buildings. Only about 2,500 people live in this part of town. The people that do live here are mainly old people and poor people who can not afford to move out. A lot of ill people live in Braddock suffered from illnesses exposed by the factories built around them. But I feel like Levi is just using this stuggling neighborhood to form their image and exploiting the people's misfortunes for their advantage. These people do not need misleading ads about them. They need financial help. I mean, Levi is extending their hand by giving the town 1 million dollars over a 2 yr period but do you really think that's enough money to help the people there?

I had a great video to show on this woman, who's a citizen of Braddock, who made a footage of her wearing Levi's apparel and scrapping and tarnishing the clothes on the sidewalk outside of a Levi's store as a "Eff you Levi's Company for misrepresenting us and this is how I feel about you guys" response to the ad. But I can not find it anywhere on the site. They must've taken it down.

New" role" for alternative media -education

Life in the Information Society, in addition to the undeniable positives, especially rapid flow of information and access to databases, carries with it a huge risk. One of the main consequences of the growing number of communications is a huge amount of information that the average consumer becomes even noise information. The sheer volume of important and unimportant messages the user must make a selection of the material. Hence the need for a conscious, selective and thorough selection of the most valuable and important position, so that in the thicket of information the recipient can make the right choice, the information "... is because their value only if it is available where it is needed, where it is needed for to whom it is needed, and for the purpose for which it is needed, "(Morbitzer 3)

Media education through deliberate and intentional actions of teachers should therefore aim to shape positive attitudes towards the media. One of them is critical attitude that engaging the intellect, "excludes naive attitude to the content published in the media, deference to others' opinions and content of propaganda, and assumes knowledge of the main mechanisms of the media, emotional distance to the received messages and derive information from multiple sources and comparing them (evaluation assurance)"(Nowakowska 33). Among the desirable attitudes are also listed in the attitude of selectivity, which implies a deliberate choice by the received content, by making children aware of the consequences of its absence, for example, unnecessary loss of time. Media education should also seek to shape the attitudes of creative activity, which is an alternative to the passive reception of media.
Reckless, excessive use of the media coverage causes a decrease in human social activity and the changes in his psyche and perception of the world. The most common include a reduction in hearing sensitivity - young people can watch, but can not listen to others and talk to them. The technique makes it difficult integration between people, creating only the possibility of indirect contacts, which do not teach people to be with. As a result, the young man feel even more lonely. Disturbing symptom are also difficulties in concentration and memory-controlling text.
Staying too long in the world of the media may also lead to the development of anxiety, feelings of alienation and powerlessness of man to the reality in which he lives. Educators describing the impact of television on young people's awareness, emphasizes that "... the resulting images are fragmented and unconnected with each other, which is not a good ground to the unit of analysis and synthesis"(Walczak 14) . The consequence of this is the gap between the physical and the accelerated development of puberty delay in emotional and mental successive vintages of children and young people.

For many young members of the media also appears dangerous fascination with the phenomenon of virtual reality, especially when they give you a chance to interactivity. New techniques of multimedia, combining audio, video, three-dimensional, and even touch, creating the impression of reality that a return to the real world becomes a problem. Often young man identifies himself with the virtual character, it does not at-will see the border between fantasy and the real world. This "Doping feature the latest media deserves close attention, because it can lead to unconscious change the joystick on a baseball bat,"(Goban 303)The effect of frequent watching scenes of aggression and violence, there is also acceptance of such behavior and blunting of sensitivity, defined as the social insensitivity.

1. J. MORBITZER lc page 3
2. I. NOWAKOWSKA-Buryła Attitudes of children towards the media "Media Education" 2003 No. 1 page 33
3. M. WALCZAK Sun TV virtual world. 2 "Librarian's Guide" 2003 No. 2 page 14
4. T. Goban-CLASS Media and Communication ... plot cit p 303

There is a lot of alternative media out there and bless the internet for making easier to find those outlets.
This is a website I go to from time to time.
It leans to more of pro-woman stance with categories they call Roe vs. World, Slut-Shaming, War on Women  and flat-out Rape. They also touch on issues of politics, racial discrimination, health, motherhood, amongst a splash of celebrity gossip. It also serves as a forum for 
opinion on the articles they post. 
Here is one from this week....that made the blood a bit hot....
check them out .
Also here is a clip from a Saturday Night Live episode on media ownership that had to be removed from future airings because they claimed "it wasn't funny." 

A New Perspective

An alternative form of media I found was a site called Adbusters. It is a monthly magazine publication based in Canada that critiques consumerism and corporate media. This form of news is different from other outlets in that it analyzes and critiques what is being shown in the media. Alternative news outlets are useful because it creates awareness. Their most recent cover, below, is of a distorted image of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Adbusters can be perceived to many as quite controversial however, it paves the way for a more critical analyzation in society. It is the first step for the public to distinct what the real 'truth' is.

Their mission statement on Facebook is: 

"Our aim is to catalyze a sudden, unexpected moment of truth — a mass reversal of perspective; a global mindshift — from which the corporate/consumerist forces never fully recover. We vow to change the way information flows and to shake up the production of meaning in our society."


The image above is an example of one of their critiques. It basically pokes fun at how 'holidays' are created to promote consumerism within society. The reason those specific dates are mentioned above is because November 23rd (the day after Thanksgiving) in the United States is now known as 'Black Friday,' the ultimate day where everyone goes crazy for the 'amazing' deals. In fact, several years ago there was a news story where a guy actually was trampled on because a crowd of people were rushing to get in the store for the deals. 

Men's Health- Alternative Media

Men's health magazine is one of the Alternative media, which talks about men's health. This Magazine has pictures of muscular men, who are known to be extremely “sexism”.   It provides information on how to and what to do to become one of those muscular models that are shown on this magazine cover page.  It also provides dating tips, for example, “ 5 ways to Win Her Back”, foods that men should eat or avoid in order to stay healthy and discuss about social issues.  This magazine don’t only brainwash men to be paranoid with their body structure, in this magazine there is no picture  of a over weight men, all the men are slim and muscular.  It also talks about what women are like or dislike. For example, one of the articles here is called “Why do Ladies Love Joe Biden”.  So, there are lots of genders stereotypes involve in this magazine.



Speaking out Against Slut-shaming

For this weeks' post on alternative media I turned to one of my favorite and most hated aspects of the Internet, blogging. This video blog (vlog) is from a thirteen year old blogger who speaks against slut-shaming, basically  the act of making a woman (though not necessarily always) feel guilty or inferior, for having strong sexual desires, having more than one sexual partner, or acting or dressing in a way that is deemed excessively sexual. The term slut would be used to describe the person, hence slut-shaming. The interesting and more disturbing thing about this phenomenon is that not only do men do it to women, but women do it to other women as well! This is something that I've always found typically disturbing, that women would propagate such horrible behavior instead of standing up for other women. The fact that a thirteen year old has been privy to this behavior by her friends at such a young age and has chosen to instead speak out against it by making other people aware is something that I find highly admirable. 

Slut-shaming and why is wrong:

The ANTI Advertising Agency

     Started by Steve Lambert in 2004, the Anti Advertising Agency has become a recognized group of artists dedicated to opening people's eyes about the advertising industry. Their website alone is a powerful form of alternative media because it showcases their incredible work. Check out their website HERE
A segment of their mission statement really explains it all: 
"In urban areas commercial content is placed in our sight and into our consciousness every moment we are in public space. Over time, this domination of the surroundings has become the “natural” state. Through long-term commercial saturation, it has become implicitly understood by the public that advertising has the right to own, occupy and control every inch of available space. The steady normalization of invasive advertising dulls the public’s perception of their surroundings, re-enforcing a general attitude of powerlessness toward creativity and change, thus a cycle develops enabling advertisers to slowly and consistently increase the saturation of advertising with little or no public outcry."
One of their most famous projects was a fake New York Times Newspaper set a few months into the future that contained articles that people would want to see instead of what is actually going on in the world right now. Click on the link HERE

CONCRETE Messages!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ✌ ✌ ✌™

Public art is a platform where individuals’ visions of society come alive in everyones's eyes . Saner talks about the neoliberalist society that has imposed an economic, social, cultural, political, psychological, and spiritual system in our minds. He emphasizes the need to look beyond the measurable facts.

The keepers of knowledge, the corporations, the elite bombard our minds with their billboards of materialism. Imagine a place where art is allowed to be displayed in the same way as the aristocrats' businesses.

If life, for most, can only be understood visually, public arts are narratives for hope. Art as a passionate study can give us footprints for a new society. Diego Rivera tells us "It has been said that the Revolution does not need art, but that art needs of the revolution. That's not true. The Revolution needs a revolutionary art ".

This video not only talks about the importance of art, but also breaks stereotypes manufactured by the media of Mexico . This gives you a perspective beyond the drug cartels and the violence. The artists in Mexico are very much in touch with the nation's issues and use their art to bring change. Sego and Saner are involved with "Niños en Contacto" (childhood in contact), where they decorate the classrooms with imagination, they teach art and encourage art curriculums in the education system.

This is my alternative media; colors, pencils, kids and imagination.

Lets stop the bullying today just because Im not as "beautiful" to you as I am to myself.

Search and navigating threw the internet and recently listening to the news I realized that we have so much bullying go on just because we don't fit into this beauty that everyone else wants to see. Its very unfortunate how we have so many teens today that commit suicide because they are constantly reminded that they are not beautiful. It is ridiculous when you see the picture of these young girls and how beautifully unique they are in there own way, and they don't know it because their classmates/school mates tell them other wise.
Lets take a second and put a stop to these bullying just because our daughters sisters nieces cousins don't seem as beautiful to these people. Watch the video and sign the petition to stop bullying.

MIDTERM MEETINGS 11/12 and 11/14


Because of limited transportation I am postponing all midterm meetings from 11/5 and 11/7 to the following week: Monday 11/12 and Monday 11/14. Please adjust your calendars.

We can discuss any concerns with Midterm meetings next Saturday in class on 11/10. Please stay safe and email me with any questions or concerns.

 Midterm Meetings will be in HN515
*10 minute one-on-one meetings to discuss attendance, participation, grades and final project

Monday 11/12
1:00 Michelle B
1:10 Vincent 
1:40 Angela
1:50 Yelainny
2:00 Erika
2:10 Edna
2:40 Noah
2:50 Ulyses
3:20 Abdul

7:00 Lilibeth
7:10 Lily
7:20 Nicole R
7:30 Tumpa

Wednesday 11/14

12:50 Michelle T
1:00 Paola
1:10 Abraham
1:20 Janet
1:30 Sam
1:40 Lyndsi
2:00 Stephan
2:20 Hasnah
2:30 Nicole S.

3:20 Chris

7:00 Shirley
7:10 Fernanda
7:30 Iesha

Saturday 11/10 at 5pm

Good Men Project

The Good Men Project is a site devoted to presenting the beliefs of everyday men. They cover many topics including love, relationships, fatherhood, and race. According to the site, "...we let guys be guys, but we do it while challenging confining cultural notions of what a "real man" should be." The reason I decided to share this website is because I wanted to show that men also get upset at the idea of objectification and both males and females among other topics. For example, in this post, a man shows 10 costumes for men that are extremely offensive. Most men also scoff at the idea that all men want is sex from a woman. Some men actually want to build a relationship with a woman but they also have doubts and concerns about where it could ultimately go.
The quote came from

I also stumbled upon this blog that relates to the impact of the meme presented in last week's presentation.

Tropes and Bechdel Test

First of all, I suggest everyone watches every single video Anita Sarkeesian makes because it points out so many good points. In this video, Tropes vs Women #3: The Smurfette Principle, she mentions the constant themes and representation of women in Hollywood films and TV shows. 
The smurfette principle (named by Katha Pollitt) is the trope that usually women who have a primary cast, are usually the only one in a group of men. And even so, the women are highly sexualized and usually white. This lack of women involvement in film and tv show further emphasizes how men concentrated the media is. How women are like trophies/sidekicks or as Anita says "Sexy decorations" and always exist in relation to men. Even so, the world is usually a white dominated and if there is a portrayal of other races, its highly stereotyped.
Though this is so obvious, no one ever notices to point it out. I'm guilty to say that I've never paid attention to whether women are being represented or not and if they are, how exactly are they being portrayed. As well as whether the story is about women or surrounded in men. This principle is exemplified by the Bechdel test.

The Bechdel test is a test that can identify "women's relevance to a plot and presence in hollywood movies". The test is followed by three criterias: there has to be two women, with names, talking about something other then men. She takes a look at all 2011 Academy awards pictures and notices that very few do. And even when this test is changed to two people of color talk about something other then white person, the ratio decreases even more. 
Though it doesn't entail the quality of the film, it still good to point out the lack of representation of women. And how that has yet to change. It is just another critical way of looking at films or tv shows.

History repeats itself...STOP IT from happening again

I am not a media guru, I avoid having to use my computer (I only bought it because when I retured to school for my second degree it seemed everything had changed so drastically and professors relied on comunicating through the previous computer died and after 8 months I still had refused to fix it or replace it) as I have gotten older I have even started to avoid such social media sites like facebook.  Then came this assignment!  I avoid watching the news really as I am forced to hear all the complaints as to what is going on in the world on a daily basis from friends and family, honestly it instills more undue stress on me so could you imagine if I watched these same shows they are watching that is making them so angry, ok passionate!  However, I abide by my assignments for school because in the end I want a good grade because I am anal about that aspect of my life.

So I been googling a lot in the past day or so and I found something that I think is quite interesting to me at least.  A man by the name of Gary Franchi is a liberty activist.  Though he has essays and research that has been published what I enjoyed was his documentary called Camp FEMA.  I have watched part 1 and part 2...ok well it is hard to watch as I believe something is wrong with the file so I listened to it mainly.  Being sort of an American History buff (ok I am just interested in it I do not know it all) I enjoyed what I heard, not because what happened but because I see it just like he does.  In my family if you disagree with my father it is best to keep it to yourself!  So I don't speak about things like this with him, or around him or with anyone that would report back to him!


Full documentary 86 minutes long
This video is clear! you can obviously skip through it.  If you remember the biggining try and skip through it because it continues to happen everytime the government feels threatened.  Not US citizens as a whole but the GOVERNMENT which is supposed to work for US!

Disney and Sexism

I found this video very interesting a majority of the people who grew up watching these cartoons have failed tor realize the heavy amount of sexism that is embedded in what our kids watch.  We see the kids learn very early on how to become their roles in society from very early on.  Our kids today get bombarded with images as such without knowing what they are actually seeing.  It is a shame that given our history of change, the roles of women have yet to fully established as a force in our society.

Friday, October 26, 2012



The simplest way to describe TvTropes is to say that TvTropes is a collection of lists. And technically, it is. At you will find a collection of lists that link to other lists that link to other lists that link to other links still. Also, the site has a random button.
But what this particular collection of lists does, is break down a lot of the media we consume by their common tropes; and gives everyone who reads it a common lexicon to describe these varied phenomena in media. TvTropes is not an analytical website and it is not a collection of theses; it is a dictionary, a library and reference guide to things that tend to be seen/read/heard in the media we see/read/hear. It probably won't change what you think, or how you think- but it will change the way you might articulate it.
Also it might ruin your life.

Alternative Media

An alternative media is Democracy Now. Democracy Now is a independent news website. Everyday there is a one hour segment where Amy Goodman Juan Gonzalez as the host. This is different from other news sources because it has a woman host and a male host, that's not white.

Feminists on Facebook

Feminists United is a Facebook page “dedicated to fighting back against the war on women.” The page has close to 20,000 followers, and serves as a great social media tool. It spreads information about the current “war” on women via funny, factual, and sometimes shocking posts, often about twenty posts per day. These posts frequently appear on my newsfeed, reminding me to be critical of my friends’ posts, and of the news that I’m usually reading while I check Facebook. The page serves as a conversation starter, presenting followers with information and images, and giving people an opportunity to verbalize their feelings about serious feminist issues on Facebook. Followers often share these posts, allowing new people to enter the conversation, whether vocally or silently. Unfortunately, some followers resort to man hating, giving Facebook viewers a misleading impression of the page and its intent.

It's not just girls

When people talk about plastic surgery, female plastic surgery typically comes to mind.  However, there are a large minority of male patients that undergoes plastic surgery as well.  The number of male plastic surgery ranges from 25%-30% in different practices.Therefore, the belief that men aren't self-critical of their appearance is false.With today’s increased media and advertisement, men and women alike are more aware of social norms, stigmas, and others response.  With the strong emphasis on male’s appearance in recent times, it is logical for an increase in men’s awareness of their own appearance.  Therefore, large number of male plastic surgery is now more commonly seen.

Stop Waiting for A Change

I found a youth made video that was divided into three parts that discusses domestic violence. Many individuals suffer unfortunately from domestic violence and believe that there is not a solution for them. This short film illustrates what many individuals may be facing and it is important that these issues are raised because there could be individuals who need someone to help them face and leave their abuser. This film could help allow for more organizations and counseling services to occur so that people such as the ones depicted in this film, know that there is always someone or someplace they can turn to. This film also illustrates that the decision to face and leave the abuser, can be very hard but that there are very drastic consequences that can occur if one does not take a stand against them. This film illustrates that leaving can allow for a better relationship to develop with someone who will treat them well and that they do not deserve to be treated in an inhumane manner.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

KONY 2012 Goes Viral

One of the best things of alternative media is the speed in which things become viral. Thanks to Facebook and Youtube; videos, posts, memes, trends, etc, become popular within a matter of days. In March, I remember my cousin asking me to watch a video on Youtube called KONY 2012. I had no idea what I was about to watch but decided to watch it due to my cousin’s insistence. The video, 30 minutes long, discusses one of the world’s worst criminals as per the ICC (International Criminal Court): Joseph Kony. For years Kony and his army, the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army), have been abducting children in Africa and turning them into sex slaves and soldiers. They have been taught to kill and mutilate. The video is a form of alternative media used to advocate the importance of capturing Kony, and to raise awareness in ways ordinary people can help. In 2005, after befriending Jacob, a boy who had run away from the LRA, the director of the film KONY 2012, Jason Russell, made it his job to try and stop Kony from damaging the lives of thousands of children in Africa. However, the government refused to step in and aid a cause in which our finances or security weren’t at stake. Russell and his friends began to promote the cause in various ways (this video being one of them) and made Kony infamous. Once the government realized people were trying to make a difference, Barack Obama stationed 100 troops in Africa to assist the African soldiers in neutralizing the chaos with the LRA. Unfortunately, Kony has not been captured but thanks to KONY 2012 he is now known for his crimes. The video currently has 93,322,539 views on Youtube. I remember watching it posted all over my newsfeed, and I am sure at least 99% of the class has seen, or at least heard of KONY 2012. Though he hasn’t been captured yet, the goal of the video was fulfilled: it made people aware of the world’s #1 worst criminal so that further action can be taken to bring him to justice.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why isn't this more "mainstream" when labioplasty is on the up and coming?


I saw this documentary out of interest last semester, just cruising the web. I was incredibly shocked at the extent of which women are dissatisfied with their "lady parts" because of the projection of "manly" expectations. In this documentary, when men are asked if they actually care about what a woman's labia look like, they actually don't even care all that much! This captures the extreme body-altering parts of women sentimentality that any of our readings have addressed in terms of relative beauty. In the documentary, Lisa talks about how women are measuring and comparing themselves with those models they see in magazines, "You would come to the conclusion that the design of a vagina is virtually hairless, very neat, pink, tucked in, but all you can really see are the outer lips. The inner lips are either nonexistent or very small...If girls are comparing themselves to this and thinking 'I don't look like that,' it's because the fannies they're looking at don't look like real fannies."

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Link...

I went to a Catholic high school and in going there, I became accustomed to hearing one-sided arguments on many of society's pressing issues. When they announced that there would be a 'Pro-life' assembly I assumed that it would be more of the Catholic church telling girls what they should and shouldn't do to their  own bodies. However, this time I was wrong. We screened a documentary called 'The Human Experience.' The question this documentary raises is: Have we forgotten what it means to be human? The film is about two brothers that travel to different parts of the world and try to understand the struggles of others. The result is an awesome film that connects people of different social, political, economical backgrounds by uniting us all as human.
Yes, it is a 'Pro-life' film...but it is a different approach and I argue that it is a pro-human film. It does not take sides in any issue; it simply connects humans that are all living in a changing world that has complex ideas about society.

Here is the film's website:

Lucky Day Forever

This animated short I feel make a great commentary on our white capitalist patriarchy society that is set in place. In the narrative it follows an black man in the future who wins highly advertised lottery to be a mega star. In the short the contrast between the white world and the ghetto is huge. I believe the creators want comment on the difference in conditions between the rich white society and the slums. The type of media in the short n has some parallels to the media playing now. In their media, they had idealized white people on the screen being hypersexualized to sell pretty much everything. The black man being bombarded with this and fantasizes about it constantly. He actually does win, but it turns out to be a hoax. I believe the short is trying to say you can't be them. If you try you are only perpetuating the white capitalist patriarchy society around you. It also doesn't just effect you either but the people around you.

LINK (NSFW:Some Nudity):

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm a bit disappointed at myself.

Since I started this class I have become more aware then I like to admit. I started to see ads in a different light. I also started to see movies differently as well. When I started to see things in a different light I was a bit upset because I can’t watch movies the same way now. This also goes to Disney movies. Man, I was so blind that I didn’t even realize the way they were dressing, acting and even hobbies. I found these videos in Youtube that show Disney the way I see Disney, evil. Enjoy these videos and question your childhood like I did. These videos were made by people trying to show people we really see when we watch these movies. 

NOTE: I know it said one link, but these links are all about Disney. So in a way, it's one link from different points of views.


For our presentation, our topic was Women and News Ownership. We wanted to highlight the big media corporations, their owners and how that'll affect women in the workplace. While researching, the results we found were staggering. Although more women graduated every year with a Communication B.A. Degree, men had higher positions.

We wanted to present this topic by first testing students' knowledge in an interactive game. The intention behind this was to see if they knew who the owners of these major outlets were. (They were all white males.) It came from a common perception that youth today, college students as well, don't watch the news that often and don't care to.

The second part of our presentation focused on the specifics. In our Powerpoint, we included fact-based slides and videos to show how women in the media are portrayed. Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Anne Curry and Jennifer Livingston are people we chose to focus on. It was important for us to show women with different professions in order to get a broader sense of the overall treatment of women in the media.

Overall, we saw that all women were objectified; it didn't matter what their profession/ title was. If they weren't, they were portrayed as a "man" and were criticized for "being so tough." This came as a result of the fact that male news anchors/ journalists always found a way to devalue a woman by focusing on things that weren't important: her physical appearance. They made comments about everything irrelevant: hair, wardrobe, wrinkles, etc. Hillary Clinton for example is a brilliant woman yet in the media, male commentators refer to her as "strict" and that she reminds them of their "nagging mom." Why is that? Sarah Palin, during the election year would be seen as "sexy." She was once on the cover of Newsweek in shorts. This can skew the public's views of her because how will they take her seriously after that? No male politician would ever be shown in the same light.

We wanted to show as a group in our presentation that the WHO behind all the media corporations really does affect WHAT content you're receiving and women & male dynamics.